Five tips to have an amazing TIFF 2024

In this short series of emails, I'll reveal five tips for a fantastic festival experience.

From planning your schedule, to picking films that will take you on a film adventure, to seeking out talent, I'll help you navigate one of the world's biggest film festivals.

Plus, you can apply these tips to any other fest you attend!

Get Alex's TIFF 2024 tips today

Make the most out of your festival experience. Learn how to find the festival's best hidden gems, build your schedule, and actually catch Q&As .

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    Alex Heeney

    Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Seventh Row

    Film Critic + Founder/Editor-in-Chief of Seventh Row

    Tomato-Meter Critic & Publication; Member of GALECA, OFCS, and OAFFC

    Who am I?

    I've been attending TIFF every year since 2003, first as a punter, and then as press starting in 2012. I've also been to Cannes, Sundance, Berlin, HotDocs, and many other major international festivals.

    I've made so many mistakes over the years that have left me disappointed (at TIFF and other festivals), and I want to help you avoid learning these the hard way! So I've put together my best tips for having a fantastic festival.

    What will you learn?

    • How to avoid festival overwhelm
    • How to choose your films for an ideal festival
    • How to make the most of premieres/Q&As/talent on the ground