Hello Reader, Meet Nancy. Just eight months ago, she faced some all-too-familiar struggles for movie lovers who are serious hobbyists but not trying to become a film professional: Where can I find good international films beyond the mainstream? How do I find films by and about diverse groups (e.g., women, LGBTQ+ people, Indigenous, people over 50)? How do I learn about how the technical aspects of visual storytelling affect my experience of a film — without learning how to make movies? How can I deepen my appreciation of film as an art form without going back to school or reading dry academic texts? Here's what happened after Nancy joined Reel Ruminators:First, through the Reel Ruminators movie of the month, she went on a cinematic journey...
Second, by reflecting on the Reel Ruminators discussion questions for each film, she grew to appreciate each film beyond the story and characters to include the director's filmmaking choices. Finally, by attending the live discussions at the end of each month, she engaged with other film lovers from other parts of the world. In doing so, she discovered new perspectives on each film, increasing her appreciation of the film, even the ones she didn't love. Here's what Nancy had to say:“Reel Ruminators has introduced me to films I enjoyed and would never have heard of because I don't have the time to spend researching them. I am eager to seek out more of the creative teams’ works from two films. And even the films that didn’t earn my personal 5-star rating were stimulating and thought-provoking because they taught me something new about the possibilities of cinema. Every time Alex's discussion questions ask me to think about the technical aspects of filmmaking – like pacing and frame composition – it opens up the film for me in a way I wouldn't immediately go to. It encourages me to rewatch each film to flex my critical viewing muscles and try to see what Alex sees. I don’t want to take a course, and I’m not trying to become a director, but I want to heighten my appreciation of films. Reel Ruminators has helped me do that. I think about what the score is doing and what it's saying. I think about frame composition in a way I never did before. I just pay more attention now!" If you're ready to heighten your appreciation of film and discover a wide range of under-the-radar world cinema gems with a group of international film lovers… >> Click here to join Reel Ruminators << Alex P.S. When you join Reel Ruminators today, you will get early and immediate access to the March 2025 edition, including three bonus audio commentaries on scenes from the film. The next discussion date is March 23 at 2 p.m. ET. P.P.S. If you have any questions, please reply to this email, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Seventh Row is a nonprofit Canadian film criticism publication and publishing house. We're dedicated to helping you expand your horizons by curating the best socially progressive films from around the world and helping you think deeply about them. This newsletter is run by Seventh Row (http://seventh-row.com) but features exclusive content not found on the website.
Hello Reader, It’s not very often that we get a movie for adults that’s smart and fun and screening theatrically. But Steven Soderbergh’s London-set spy thriller Black Bag fits this bill and opened in North American cinemas last weekend. The film features major stars like Cate Blanchett and Michael Fassbender, who play the married couple around whose relationship the film pivots, and major lesser-known talents like Tom Burke and Naomie Harris in key supporting roles. As a card-carrying...
Hello Reader, Joan Micklin Silver was writing and directing movies in 1970s America when very few women were. Elaine May’s A New Leaf came a few years before Silver’s first feature, but Silver pre-dated filmmakers like Claudia Weill, Nora Ephron, and more who followed in her footsteps. Her four features are all excellent, and a great B Side to the era's films — the Jewishness of a Woody Allen movie without all the creepiness, the emancipated women of Mazursky but told by a woman. But what...
Hello Reader, You are receiving this as a paying subscriber to The Globetrotting Watchlist (which includes Film Adventurer and Cinephile Members), a monthly newsletter that helps you expand your cinematic horizons through streaming recommendations for the best socially progressive under-the-radar films worldwide. Your support helps us pay our expenses to keep Seventh Row, a non-profit, ad-free and online. What's Inside the Globetrotting Newsletter This month, I'm recommending: Winter in...