[TIFF] Mike Leigh's Hard Truths & Andrea Arnold's Bird

Hello Reader,

In the latest TIFF 2024 podcast episode, I talk about two British films from major auteurs that are early festival highlights: Andrea Arnold's Bird and Mike Leigh's Hard Truths.

Both films have US/UK/Canadian distributors and will be out in the coming months so I've tried to keep these episodes spoiler-free, but intriguing!

I wrote the book on Mike Leigh's last film, Peterloo, which I saw at TIFF in 2018, so Hard Truths was one of my most anticipated films...and it delivers!

And I couldn't wait to see what Andrea Arnold would do with actors Barry Keoghan and Franz Rogowoski in the same film (excellent things).

On the episode, I discuss:

  • Similarities in subject matter and some directorial choices between the two films
  • The films' casts including the magic of Michelle Austin in Hard Truths and Franz Rogowski's alien quality in Bird
  • Suzie Davies' incredible production design in Hard Truths
  • Joe Bini's heavy-hitting editing in Bird
  • How Hard Truths fits into Mike Leigh's oeuvre, pulling approaches from some of his best work
  • ....and more!

Keep in mind, I had less than 30 hours between when I saw Hard Truths and published the episode, and about 12 hours less for Bird, so I've missed some things!

I've also tried to stay spoiler-free on both films, which means there are a lot of key plot details/themes/developments I've not mentioned at all.

Listen to the episode on Hard Truths and Bird

More soon!


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Seventh Row is a nonprofit Canadian film criticism publication and publishing house. We're dedicated to helping you expand your horizons by curating the best socially progressive films from around the world and helping you think deeply about them. This newsletter is run by Seventh Row (http://seventh-row.com) but features exclusive content not found on the website.

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